Terms and conditions

I hereby declare that

  1. that I shall acquaint myself with the content of all
    the rules, regulations and admission requirements of the Board, that are
    available upon request and that apply to me as a prospective Member
  2. that upon registration and for the entire duration of
    my Membership at the Board, I legally commit myself to comply with all
    rules, regulations and admission requirements that are in force, including
    any amendment there of or any new rule, regulation or requirement;
  3. that non-compliance with these rules, regulations and
    requirements will not only represent a breach of contract towards the
    Board, but may also lead to disciplinary steps, including permanent
    suspension from the Board;
  4. that I hereby cede and transfer to the Board my rights
    and title in respect of any intellectual property, in the widest sense of
    the word, that I may create or formulate either wholly or in part in the
    course of any period as office bearer or board-sponsored research
    whatsoever I undertake or may undertake at the Board or develop or may
    develop with the assistance of Board equipment, except where otherwise
    agreed to in writing, and I undertake to sign any document, whenever
    necessary, to cede and transfer the rights concerned;
  5. that the Board is entitled at any time summarily to
    cancel my registration should I provide false or incorrect information to
    the Board;
  6. that I shall make prompt payment of all fees payable in
    respect of my Membership, and/or associated costs as determined each year
    by The Board;
  7. that, in the event of my failure to pay any amount due
    by me to the Board on time:
    1.  all outstanding fees owing to the Board become due with
      immediate effect;
    1. the Board may also claim the following:
    1. interest on all payments in arrears calculated as provided for
      in section
      101(1)(d) of the National Credit Act (Act 34 of 2005) at the prime rate,
      expressed as a percentage per annum, charged by the Board’s bankers, minus 1
      per cent, as determined on 31 January of the applicable year;
    1. all applicable debt collection costs, as well as legal costs on
      an attorney and client basis;
    1. the Board may place the Member’s name on a list of defaulting
      debtors maintained and published by any credit bureau and report the default to
      the National Credit Regulator;
    1. the Board may, as part of the debt collection process, request
      and obtain relevant information from a credit bureau or any other institution;

  1. that, should an emergency operation or urgent medical
    treatment be deemed necessary by a medical doctor, the Board may at its
    discretion act in my interests if I cannot take the decision myself,
    provided that the Board will not be liable for any fees payable as a
    result of such medical treatment
  2. that the Board may disclose to my sponsor or guardian
    information of any disciplinary steps that may be taken against me by the
    Board and that this permission is deemed to be permission as contemplated
    by the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of 2000) insofar as
    it may be applicable and that disclosure of such information will not be
    unreasonable as contemplated by the Act;
  3. that I shall not hold liable or institute any action against
    the Board or any of its employees or any of its representatives for
    damages or loss of whatever nature that I may incur
    1. in respect of property owned by me or in my possession;
    1. in respect of accidental leak of my confidential information
      where it can be reasonably shown that it was not willful or purposeful

  1. that the Board may perform a reasonable search of my
    personal belongings, including but not limited to, any bag or briefcase in
    my possession, and/or my person, should the Board deem it reasonably
    necessary in the circumstances in order to, inter alia, safeguard its
  2. that this contract is valid and enforceable for the
    entire duration of my registration as Member at the Board and thereafter
    until I have met all obligations in terms hereof;
  3. that I have read this document and understand the
    rights and obligations contained therein; and
  4. that I have signed this agreement freely and
  5. I hereby agree to be bound by the Ethics of the Africa
    Board for Coaching, Consulting and Coaching psychology (and its affiliates
    and subsidiaries).
    I pledge to:
    1. Put the customer first in every dealing I have as a member of
      the board
    1. Act with integrity in my dealings with the customer, the board
      and other stakeholders
    1. Apply my best effort to fulfil my obligation to my customer,
      community and other stakeholders that can benefit from my capability. I also
      agree to continuously develop my capability in my area of expertise.
    1. Achieve the highest possible results for my client, the
      community and other stakeholders impacted by my expertise and service
    1. I understand that all complaints against me by my customers may
      be submitted to the ABCCCP confidentially for investigation and be subjected to
      the ABCCCP Disciplinary process
    1. I undertake to abide by all decisions made by the ABCCCP and its
      structures, should my ethical practice come into question.
    1. I understand that my name might be listed on a public database
      should i be found guilty of transgressing any of ABCCCP’s Code of Ethics
  6. Undertaking of Supervision and Continuous Professional
    Development Supervision
    1. The ABCCCP requires that all members undergo supervision as
      indicated in each category of membership. The purpose of this is to protect the
      client and raise awareness of the practitioner about their service to the
      customer at all times.
      Proof of this may be requested by the council in reviewing your application on
      an annual basis.

  1. Membership renewal shall be withheld, and
    the designation may be withdrawn should a member not meet this
    The ABCCCP Audit committee or other duly appointed structure will perform
    a random audit on an annual basis and may require more detailed evidence
    of CPD Activity. A member is required to keep the evidence of Accredited
    CPD activity 18 months following the last renewal of their designation.
  2. I Agree to undergo supervision as a quality
    requirement of my membership. I understand that this may be required as
    part of the review of membership of the board. I accept that the renewal
    of my membership maybe withheld until this condition is met. I agree to
    the terms of Continuous Professional Development as outlined above as they
    may be applicable from time to time.